第146期分析哲学论坛:The Divisibility of Basic Actions

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报告题目:The Divisibility of Basic Actions

报告人:Dr Kevin Lynch

主持人:Ivan Ivanov




The notion of basic action has recently come under attack based on the idea that any putative basic action can always be divided into more basic sub-actions. In this paper it is argued that this criticism ignores a key aspect of the idea of basic action, namely, the ‘anything else’ part of the idea that basic actions are not done by doing anything else. This aspect is clarified, and it is argued that doing the sub-actions of which a putative basic action consists does not amount to doing something different from doing that putative basic action.


Dr. Kevin Lynch从英国Warwick大学获得博士学位,其后在爱尔兰国立都柏林大学从事博士后研究,现任职于华侨大学。Kevin Lynch博士的研究兴趣涉及心理学哲学,行动哲学及其交叉领域。他就自我欺骗,基本行动和自然类型等一系列的主题在著名国际期刊 Analysis, Philosophical Studies, and Erkenntnis上面发表过研究论文。